Our FREE Online Training Shows...
How Our Doctors Collect Lucrative Premiums & Convert New Patients On "Auto-Pilot" With Breakthrough Practice Automation
What I'm going to show you:
  • How to get predictable new patient signups through practice automation strategies without antiquated seminars, manual consultations, along with time & energy-wasting report of findings. 
  • ​How to add “high ticket” services like Neuropathy, Knee Pain, Disc Problems, Leaky Gut and Obesity with an innovative “Hybrid Care Protocol”...(This model boasts 85%+ clinical success rates while giving you 50% more free time)
  • ​How to ensure your patients are getting great results through our  automated virtual tracking & accountability systems for patient progress.
  • ​A proven action plan so you can implement automated clinical programs into your practice. 
  • ​How to create engaged & compliant patients with out lifting a finger by putting your patient education on autopilot with our done-for-you virtual patient education systems.
  • ​How to increase case values, deliver better patient care, all while working less with our combining niches through practice automation strategies. 
  • ​​Cutting edge automated marketing methods which attract a steady, reliable flow of 20+ patients per month eager to pay you $3K to $8.5K in CASH. Escape the "insurance trap"!
Webinar Host:
Dr. Aaron Gumm, D.C.
Author, National Speaker,
Blueprint to Practice Automation CEO
Dr. Gumm is a pioneer in the field of practice automation. His systems are in the use of 100's of successful clinics all across the U.S., many of which are collecting over $100K in cash per month. His approach will show how you can leverage cutting edge technology to improve patient results, dramatically increase your income and reduce overhead all while working significantly less than before. 

Blueprint to Practice Automation is No. 227 on this year's Inc. 500 list.

"This achievement puts you as a rarefied company. This elite group you've now joined has, over the years, included organizations such as Microsoft, Timberland, Vizio, Intuit, Chobani, Oracle, and Zappos.com." - Inc. on making the Inc 500 list out of 5000

Dr. Anthony Bianchi, D.C.
"With this practice automation system we have brought in $80K cash collections in the last 2 weeks using an automated seminar and ROF. Our schedule is completely full. Awesome!"
Dr. Josh Purcell, D.C.
"Blueprint to Practice Automation is easy. We increased our collections 65k our first month. We jumped up to 100k/month pretty quickly. One year later we just had our best month ever collecting 185k in neuropathy, knee pain, and by automating our chiropractic doctor's report. Next is weight loss. It's all fully automated! "
Dr. Bob Armstong, D.C.
" Blueprint to Practice Automation has transformed my practice. They make it so easy. The videos do all the work for you. I have broken collection records over and over again with Blueprint"
Dr. Chris Zaino, Blueprint to Practice Automation client, hits six-figures within weeks

Dr. Chris Zaino, D.C.

“I’ve tried to add multiple programs to my very busy chiropractic practice and it always was a distraction. Blueprint to Practice Automation is different! The program is solid, the coaches are awesome, and more importantly my staff runs the entire process. We will sustain our 6 figure monthly increases from here on out”
"With automated systems we were able to hit a 30k week!"

Dr. Bill Lewis, D.C.

"Even though I’ve been treating neuropathy for several years before joining Blueprint to Pracitce Automation it was the system of automation allowing me to see more people easier. The mindset training, communication training is what help increase my close rate and gave me confidence to increase my fees 3x since joining. Next step is virtual!
"Looked at pretty much all the programs on the market, this is truly “plug and play”

Dr. Jason Maggio, D.C.

"I’ve been practicing for 10 years and have looked at pretty much all the programs on the market The difference between Blueprint to Practice Automation and others is that they actually are “plug and play”. Most groups are selling concepts and you still have to go do all the work. Not with this program. We are using their automated weight loss, chiropractic seminar & ROF, and neuropathy. I had the ability to hand over my entire weight loss program to my staff now and we did 25k our first month. Not to mention all the staff training & entrepreneur training virtual tools they supply you with. We are excited…it’s a new way to practicing and I’ll never go back to my old ways."
"We collected more in two months than we did the entire last year" 

Dr. Robert Abraham, DC 

" I was new out of school and had bought a failed practice with 2 active patients. With a lot of hard work we built it up to 15k/month. I needed something new with systems. That's when I found Blueprint to Practice Automation. Since then we have hit the 100k per month club working 4 days a week with less stress and better systems! More importantly, our patients get great results. We are excited for the future!
"Blueprint has revolutionized our practice "

Dr. Craig McGiffin, D.C. 

" We have tripled our practice since Blueprint to Practice Automation. I've done every program and consulting company under the sun with a little success here and there but nothing like this. It's been a game changer for us. We are collecting more money, helping more people,  getting better results, and we are working less while doing it. It has revoltionized our pracitce."
"Blueprint allowed me to scale my practice to new levels of collections!"

Dr. Brian Prax, D.C.

"Blueprint to Practice is cutting-edge, they are great company. It’s allowed me to scale my practice to new levels of collections, organization, and patient visit capacity by automating patient pre & post education. This has allowed me to step out and work on my business instead of inside of it all the time. Their drop ship model for patient care is amazing. I’m excited to continue to reach new heights in our practice and getting looking at their virtual options."
Register Now!
The Blueprint to Practice Automation system is spreading throughout the healthcare community like wildfire. On this webinar, I will be revealing the exact step-by-step process that 100's of doctors across country are using to collect an extra $50K-$100K/month in cash. This training is absolutely FREE today but will not be available indefinitely.
"We tripled our practice with Blueprint to Practice Automation"

Dr. Clint Freeman, D.C.

"Blueprint to Practice Automation is way ahead of the curve. We ran a successful chiropractic practice prior to Blueprint to Practice Automation that involved alot of time & energy. Since Blueprint we have tripled our practice, we are working less, and more importantly helping people in our community with chronic conditions. The automation is key!

Dr. Carmen Keith, M.D. 

" I am a double-boarded anesthesologist, pain managment physician. I have been in the hospital-based healthcare model for nearly a decade as a pain managment physcian. I became burnt out and tired of being part of a system that I had more difficulty helping people truly get better. With the help of Blueprint to Practice Automation, I increased collections by 95k six months in a row growing by 200%. No longer am I tied to the mandates of the care from insurnaces. I can spend my time being a doctor I trained to be. Blueprint to Practice Automation has been a blessing to my practice. The Blueprint team cares about you, and the success of your patients!" 
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